Thursday, September 9, 2010


Aretha Franklin did her best trying to explain what respect means but like Franklin references in her song, respect is all about actions. Respect can be defined in many different ways. However, it mostly involves taking into consideration someone's feelings, needs, thoughts, and ideas as well as showing value. One can show value by listening to others, being truthful, and accepting people's different individualities. 

All of these things can and should be shown in the classroom. It is important for not only teachers to show respect but also students. A healthy and successful environment in the classroom relies and thrives on respect. Respect in the classroom looks and feels orderly and sincere. The impact that respect plays in a classroom is huge! If a student or teacher for that matter is acting disrespectfully, it can make or break the success of the classroom. 

Respect is a very important component of learning. The best learning takes place when respect is given and reciprocated.  The best way to show success in the classroom is by showing respect through behavior. Actions speak louder than words so it is important to act with consideration towards others.

Teachers need to show respect by letting the students take control of their own learning and valuing what the students say whether it is right or wrong. Students should also show respect by doing the same thing in return. They should listen to their peers and act in a manner that is acceptable in a public setting. 

So all I'm askin' is for a little respect when you come into the classroom! 

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